About THI & Dr. Al-Bayati

THI is a forensic and clinical toxicology and pathology consulting firm established by Dr. M. A. Al-Bayati in 1997. Dr. Al-Bayati received his Ph.D. from the University of California Davis in Comparative Pathology in 1989. He is also a dual board certified toxicologist by two American Board of Toxicology (DABT & DABVT). Dr. Al-Bayati has over 20 years of experience in evaluating medical-legal cases involving children and adults, who suffered from adverse reactions to medications and/or vaccines.
Dr. Al-Bayati also evaluated medical-legal cases involving allegations of the death of children and adults due to poisoning with chemical agents. In addition, he evaluated cases of people accused of driving under the influence of prescription drugs and/or taking illegal drugs. Furthermore, he evaluated cases of workers exposed to chemicals at the workplace and testified in hearings related to worker compensation. He also evaluated cases of people who became ill as a result of exposure to molds or chemical agents.
Dr. Al-Bayati firmly believes that comprehensive appraisal of the case history; clinical, pathological, and chemical data; and the pertinent published medical studies in a case, using differential diagnosis is the correct approach to identifying the likely causes of the health problems. He served as an expert witness on many medical-legal cases involving children and adults in the United States of America and internationally. He is qualified by the courts as an expert in human pathology and toxicology in the USA and on the international levels.